Adjunct Professor Fang-Yi LO 客座教授羅芳怡

Fulbrighter, Distinguished Professor of International Business at Feng Chia University, Taiwan. She currently serves as Fulbright Campus Advisor. She received Fulbright Senior Research Grant Award and visited in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign U.S.A (2019-2020). She served as the Director of Ph.D. Program in Business and also served as vice executive of EMBA program in Feng Chia University. She received her Ph.D. in International Business from National Chengchi University in 2008. Her areas of research interest encompass strategies of international business management and organizations. She has published more than 50 papers in decent journals.

羅芳怡特聘教授服務於台灣逢甲大學國際經營與貿易學系,有十餘年的教學經驗,多次教學獲獎,中英雙語授課師資。2019年至2020年間,獲得美國布爾布萊特學術交流基金會資深研究獎助,於美國伊利諾大學香檳分校擔任傅爾布萊特訪問教授。目前亦擔任美國傅爾布萊特校園顧問。過去曾擔任逢甲大學商學博士班主任,逢甲大學EMBA副執行長。主要研究領域包括: 國際企業管理、策略管理、組織理論與管理。擔任國際知名期刊主編群,經營跨國研究團隊,豐富的研究成果,有五十多篇國際期刊的研究發表。